
Close Protection -Service-

Close protection requires a variety of skills, experience and knowledge to ensure the client’s physical security. Our Close Protection staff are accredited with the SIA (Security Industry Authority) or IBA (International Bodyguard Association) and are highly trained.  
They will also unobtrusively blend in with your lifestyle - nobody other than you will know they are there, until they are needed.
Our staff are prepared for any direct or indirect threat. We provide the best customized Close Protection Service for each individual client. We understand your needs.

Keep your lifestyle. Create your safe haven.

Whole Family Protection
Personal Protection
Residential Security
Close Protection Driving Service

Exact Rates will be given on request.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

検索用語:東京都内 警備 会社 防犯 教育 訓練 ボディガード ボディーガード 大使館警備 身辺警護 セキュリティ 施設警備 Security Education Training Bodyguard close protection Embassy Facility Residential VIP Protection 


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