
Embassy Security -Service-

Embassies are the vital centers of diplomatic activity and naturally require the highest level of security.
Our Embassy Security Force (ESF) provides the most comprehensive security and backup plans, prepared for all the worst-case scenarios.
We will enforce all necessary safety and security protocols, including barring from the premises any individuals engaging in threatening behavior, or using foul or abusive language. We will respond to each and any incident in a professional and appropriate manner. If necessary we will not hesitate to act,and put the safety and security of the embassy before our own legal liability.

Safe, Secure and Confidential

・Access Control

・Visitor control


・Report Making

・Conflict Management

・Log Administration

・Baggage Check


・Anti Terrorism

・Fire Hazards


・Mail Check

・First Aid

・Emergency Response against Disaster

Exact Rates will be given on request.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

検索用語:東京都内 警備 会社 防犯 教育 訓練 ボディガード ボディーガード 大使館警備 身辺警護 セキュリティ 施設警備 Security Education Training Bodyguard close protection Embassy Facility Residential VIP Protection 


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